Author: Dax Nair

  • Like a King, at the Lake Palace

    I see the lone speedboat snake its way through the lake, its engine almost inaudible. The telltale ripples briefly break the morning calm as I try to jot down some thoughts for my next blog post. The tea that had just been poured for me is steaming hot. I take a tentative sip and look…

  • Delhi, a city that takes your breath away!
    Delhi, a city that takes your breath away!

    The black SUV braked suddenly and veered to the curb as it came to a halt in front of the bank. Two masked men in dark clothing quickly got out and rushed into the bank. The driver, also wearing a mask, remained in the car with his engine running. The passersby didn’t seem to notice…

  • The things vs experiences dilemma
    The things vs experiences dilemma

    Driving an expensive car was part of my persona, or so I thought.  A few years ago when my daughter suggested that I trade in my fully-loaded BMW X5 for a Toyota Prius Hybrid, I resisted. As a mid-level associate in a New York City Law firm, she didn’t care to own a car. It…

  • Of Emergency Rooms and Stressful Work Environments
    Of Emergency Rooms and Stressful Work Environments

    Going into a Hospital ER is a bit like a meeting with your boss and an HR person. You are never quite sure how it is going to go. I had just driven someone, who unexpectedly needed some medical attention, to the ER at the Credit Valley Hospital. It was early afternoon. Hospitals intimidate me.…

  • Musings From a Massage Parlour
    Musings From a Massage Parlour

    It started with a Matt Damon film that was being screened at the Toronto International Films Festival (TIFF). The movie was scheduled for noon at Roy Thompson Hall. My wife and I had joined our daughter and son-in-law who were in town to binge-watch movies at the TIFF. The movie, about miniaturizing human beings to…

  • Google Home: Walls have ears!

    “I am sorry, can you repeat that?” I looked at my wife. I hadn’t asked her anything. She was watching “Love it or list it” on TV and not paying any attention to me. I wanted to ask her if she was hearing voices but thought better of it. That wouldn’t sit well. It took…

  • An Expensive Date Night in New York City
    An Expensive Date Night in New York City

    “Excellent choice,” the server, who introduced himself as Victor, appeared impressed with my choice of wine. As someone who is not opposed to picking a wine from the right side of the menu – based on price – I was quite pleased with myself. My wife and I were at an upscale Thai restaurant in…

  • A scary encounter with allergies
    A scary encounter with allergies

    For a few minutes there I wondered if I was going to make it. Funny, the kind of thoughts that cross your mind when you see your own mortality staring you in the face. A couple of TV police dramas I had recently watched flashed through my mind. They always started with people meeting untimely…

  • A dozen things I like about apartment living
    A dozen things I like about apartment living

    When it comes to living in an apartment versus a house, most of the people I know lean towards a house. I get their pro-house arguments – larger spaces, more privacy, potential equity growth, and other such benefits. Apartment living is not for everyone. But, if you have considered rightsizing or see yourself living in…

  • If it weren’t for the money…
    If it weren’t for the money…

    I am beginning to wonder if I am a boring person. It’s the kind of stuff that no one will tell to your face.  I read posts about people giving up lucrative jobs to pursue their passion. People seem to quit jobs to pursue trekking, photography, dancing, travel, yoga, and baking – the kind of…