Author: Dax Nair
Discover the Top 20 Squash Racquet Brands of the Year
Last updated on December 23, 2023 When this post was published seven years ago, there were only a dozen squash racquet brands worth mentioning. This update includes another eight, a few of which have seen adoption at the top tier of the PSA ranks. This post intends to give you a list of squash racquet…
What’s Your Ranking? The Dynamics of a Squash Club Tournament
Last updated on May 20th, 2022 As I walked into the squash club, my friend Al asked me, “What’s your ranking?” Not an everyday question that people get at the club. Then again, we are not talking about everyday interactions here. The annual club championship – popularly referred to as the Club C – is about…
Is there longevity in tennis when compared to squash?
While I was contemplating writing this post about the longevity of tennis players vs. squash players, I asked the folks at my club to name three professional tennis players. “Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic,” the answer came without hesitation. I followed up with another question: Can you name three professional squash players? “Ramy, Nick…
Ten mistakes on the squash court that can impact your game
Do you make the same mistakes on the squash court, over and over again? If you do, you are not alone. Some mistakes are harder to fix, some are not. If you recognize a mistake as soon as you make it, you have hope. You can try to avoid it the next time around. Bad…
Should You Challenge the Referee?
In sports, rules have to be followed. But, etiquette is open to interpretation! There is also conventional wisdom on how each game should be played. Occasionally, it makes sense to pause and wonder what would happen if you went against the grain. So, here are eleven questions for squash and tennis players that you may…
Creative Destruction – Make sure that you have a Plan B
As an economic theory, creative destruction has been around for over seventy-five years. But, its impact hit me during a recent visit to a tea plantation in Kerala, India. Trekking through a lush tea estate in the hills of Munnar, I noticed that there were fewer tea-pluckers than I remembered from a previous visit, nearly…
Is Tennis More About Shots, While Squash is About Strategy?
“What are the three shots that a good player must perfect?” I asked the question to some of my squash buddies. Most of them paused to think. The top three answers that I got were: length, serve, and return of serve. The answers got me thinking – Squash is about strategy! Tennis is more about…
Are Tennis Players Better Dressed Than Squash Players?
Here’s how you can look like a million dollars on the court. Are tennis players better dressed than squash players? If you have to think about the answer, all you have to do is look at online images of Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer, Gregory Gaultier, and Ramy Ashour. It can’t be the money. Clearly, professional…
Missed call – When hanging up on someone is a good thing!
“Sir, Give me a missed call when you are done,” said the Uber driver. I had just been dropped off in front of the Grand Chola Hotel in Chennai where I was meeting an old friend for lunch. The driver, whom I had arranged through a cousin, was clearly tech-savvy. He had initially suggested that…
JP Morgan Tournament of Champions – Go Watch a Professional Tournament.
So, I bought tickets to the JP Morgan Tournament of Champions held in New York City. But, before I did, I had a dilemma. Do I pick the early rounds, or do I try to catch the finals? A week off from work would have been nice; but, I have to make a living! Tough…