Author: Dax Nair

  • Social Media Dependency – You should worry about things you cannot control!

    If your business is vested heavily in social media platforms, you may want to rethink your strategy. Contrary to popular wisdom, you should worry about the things you cannot control, especially your social media dependency. If you are wondering how we got here, blame it on the drug dealer model. Fledgling social media companies that…

  • Have you played no-let squash?

    Updated on August 02, 2022 What if there were no “lets” in squash? No lets, period. Just “strokes!” The only question is who gets the point? This may be old news to some of you who have followed the (now defunct) Professional Squash Tour (PST). For a few years, the US-based PST ran its tournaments…

  • Seven Social Media Terms With Squash and Tennis Analogies

    When it comes to social media, new terminology gets created on a daily basis. Some are easy to understand; others, not so much. Some of the social media terms you may know, while others leave you wondering. Here are seven social media terms explained through squash and tennis analogies. Social Media Trolls Like the legendary…

  • The Mechanics of Influencer Marketing Through Social Media
    The Mechanics of Influencer Marketing Through Social Media

    Everyone likes free publicity, even brands! Done right, influencer marketing delivers just that. In simple terms, it is the idea of turning influential people, within a community of interest, into brand ambassadors for a product or service.  The concept of leveraging high-profile personalities to endorse and promote products is not new by any stretch. The…

  • It’s all about the sharing economy
    It’s all about the sharing economy

    As a concept, the sharing economy is simple. Yet, brilliant! Leverage excess capacity to generate revenue. Whether you are a business or an individual is less relevant. What is important is whether the product or service that you have spare capacity for can be marketed. The capacity may be a fleet of cars sitting idle…

  • Three Useful Video Conferencing Applications #9

    Do you use video conferencing applications in your day-to-day communications?  If you are uncomfortable with the concept of video conferencing for business or personal communications, you may want to check out the three simple tools that I list below. As usual, in this digital tools series, I provide a high-level overview of three digital media…

  • Privacy Violations – Simple, Complex, Scary!

    Would you feel violated if you found out that someone else had access to everything you do online? Let’s just say that if your activities were of interest to your spouse, employer, or the Government, you are on thin ice. In light of some of the recent scandals surrounding the National Security Agency’s (NSA) surveillance…

  • Three Sensible Things to Avoid Squash Court Injuries

    Injuries are the bane of a squash player! If you have been playing squash long enough, you know what I mean. I am not talking about that time when you had to ice your shoulder because you ran into the wall a little too hard. I am referring to the time when you had to…

  • Social Media profile as ID for air travel?

    Most of us who travel for business have been late getting to the airport, at least once. The next time you make a scramble for the check-in desk, reach for your passport, and realize that you left it in the pocket of the jacket that you changed at the last minute, you may still have…

  • Location Services: When It’s Your Word Against Your Phone’s!

    So how well do you know your phone? Your smartphone, that is. If you don’t have a smartphone or some other kind of mobile device that offers you location services, you can stop reading now. Location has become a big feature in a host of connected devices. App developers and marketers alike have been feverishly…