Author: Dax Nair
Here Are Twelve Aspects of Squash I Don’t Enjoy
The energy, the workout, and the social nature of squash are some of the things that bring me back to the squash court. However, like anything in life, there are some aspects of squash I don’t enjoy and would like to see less of. Here are twelve aspects of squash I don’t enjoy. Monopolizing warm-up…
Inadvertent Newsjacking – That Time I Used Rob Ford As Example
If you are not familiar with the concept of newsjacking, read on… Last November, in a blog post titled “Three simple tools that may not have hit your radar,” I wrote about a tool that Twitter users could use to determine how many of their followers were real ones vs. fakes such as web robots…
So you think you are a good squash player?
If you have been playing squash for a while and consider yourself a good club-level player, you may want to read on. For a start, your style of play may fall into one of two that get talked about in squash circles – the English style or the Egyptian style. If your game involves long…
Are You Afraid of Tweeting? You Don’t Need to Be
A few years ago I wrote a blog post titled “Six tips for Twitter users with less than 25 followers.” As a relatively new Twitter user at that time, I figured that my learnings could come in handy for my subscribers and friends some of whom were reluctant to jump on the Twitter bandwagon. Despite…
K Street to Wall Street: Milliseconds Can Make Millions
Walking the streets of Washington, D.C. during a recent visit, it occurred to me that most capital cities have the same look and feel. There are large, important-looking buildings, monuments with historical significance, museums, tourists, and a lunch crowd in no apparent hurry to get back to work. The biggest employer in the city is…
Own or Utilize? A Quick Look At Disrupted Business Models
If you haven’t noticed, you can pretty much subscribe to anything on the web these days. The iPhone commercial “There’s an app for that” is literally coming true! That leaves you with the question: Should you own or utilize? Let’s say that you want to feel like a celebrity for a day and have paparazzi…
A Few Racquet Sports Basics You Should Know
More and more racquet sports enthusiasts are trying to understand the game of squash. Tennis and badminton players are interested to find out how squash compares with their preferred sport. So, is it easy enough to switch from one game to the other and back without compromising the level of play? While we may not…
Do You Know Your Racquet Strings?
“What tension would you like?” The pro-shop technician at the local sports store asked as I handed in my tennis racquet for restringing. The question caught me off-guard a bit. My club-pro who normally did the restringing for me had not asked me the question in years. He just knew my game. “Somewhere in the…
Here Are Six LinkedIn Tips That Worked For Me
These days you cannot spend five minutes on social networks without coming across someone who touts themselves to be an expert, guru, or an authority on aspects of social media. Like most of you out there, I am none of the above. So I figured that some of you may benefit from the six LinkedIn…