Canada 150 – Things I love about Canada.

From the perspective of a Torontonian… 

Canada flags

I am not sure when it happened. I first realized it while I was sitting in a restaurant in Kerala, India.

“I am ready to go home,” I told my wife as we were waiting for our dessert.  We had been vacationing for nearly a month.

“You mean…” her voice trailed off as I completed the sentence for her, “Yes, back to Toronto.”

We both went silent for a while. The implication of what I had said was significant to both of us. Until then, India was always home, Canada was where we lived. Somewhere along the way, without us realizing it, things had changed.

Canada, or more specifically, Toronto was home now. And what better place to call home?

Hardcore Torontonians may refer to me as a 905er – someone who lives in the suburbs of Toronto. I am not offended; it’s true. In my view, I have the best of both worlds – I work in downtown Toronto and live about a thirty-minute drive away in Mississauga.

Looking back, I cannot think of any major event that contributed to this transformation. Though, I can think of myriad little things that probably brought about our change of heart.

So, on this 150th anniversary of Canada, I would like to share with you “Things I love about Canada.” After all, I have been a part of it for the past twenty-five years! Please switch to fullscreen to watch the below video.

Just a note, the video below looks better in full-screen mode.

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Dax Nair


  1. There is nothing like home. I can relate to that. Life is so peaceful here. It’s a great place to live.

  2. Just read this. Beautifully done. However after 37 years of living here, Canada is still my stepmother. Perhaps one day I too will have a change of heart.

  3. We love having you with us Dax. Currently travelling with the family but hope to see you later this month my friend.

  4. Could not agree with you more, Dax! Even after five years in the US, we still feel Canada is our home. We cherish the lovely moments spent with you and Shyama. And, many thanks for introducing me to Amrut Fusion!! Remember you every time I touch it.

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