Category: Anecdotes
A Ride Too Far – A Cycling Tale That You Should Read
You might be a hero in a morgue. But you’re still in a morgue. I crashed at the 190th kilometer of a 215 km ride. Joey, my co-rider, told me later that when he saw my body smack the road and stay still, he was absolutely certain that I was dead. I was relatively new to road cycling.…
The Fear of Sandwiches
I have mastered the art of ordering at Subway. As for the fear of sandwiches, I still hesitate before I step into a build-your-own sandwich place. In retrospect, it was no big deal. But at the time, I felt rather stupid. Consider this. There are at least five decision points and over fifty variables that you…
How I got my first job in Canada.
The interview was scheduled for 9:00 a.m. I was excited. Potentially, it was going to be my first job in Canada. The hiring company was an International Distributor of consumer products. I located the office on a warehouse-lined street. It didn’t quite fit the settings I had built up in my mind. Far more people…
What do you do when you find out that your child is dying?
I have spent the past year waiting for my daughter to die. Findings and opinions were many. One in a billion genetic mutations. Only three known cases in the world. Your child is dying; she’ll be dead in fifteen months. Enjoy your time together. That was the initial prescription – enjoy your time together. Everything…
The Elusive Canadian Experience
The well-dressed lady behind the counter was polite. I had seen the “We’re Hiring” sign on her store window and had walked in to see if she would consider hiring me for the job. As she glanced through my resume, I looked around. The store had an expensive feel to it. The sign outside said…
The Retirement Calculator – A Light-hearted Look
The retirement calculator was not complicated, but detailed. My friend Dino had sent it to me. Conversations among the folks that I hung out with at the club seemed to always drift towards retirement planning. No one was getting any younger. I had met Peter, my financial advisor, at the club. And then there was…