Category: Tech
It’s all about the sharing economy
As a concept, the sharing economy is simple. Yet, brilliant! Leverage excess capacity to generate revenue. Whether you are a business or an individual is less relevant. What is important is whether the product or service that you have spare capacity for can be marketed. The capacity may be a fleet of cars sitting idle…
Three Useful Video Conferencing Applications #9
Do you use video conferencing applications in your day-to-day communications? If you are uncomfortable with the concept of video conferencing for business or personal communications, you may want to check out the three simple tools that I list below. As usual, in this digital tools series, I provide a high-level overview of three digital media…
Are You Afraid of Tweeting? You Don’t Need to Be
A few years ago I wrote a blog post titled “Six tips for Twitter users with less than 25 followers.” As a relatively new Twitter user at that time, I figured that my learnings could come in handy for my subscribers and friends some of whom were reluctant to jump on the Twitter bandwagon. Despite…
Six Tips For New Twitter Users
I have been on Twitter since the March of 2012. I do not actively try to grow my following or try to game it. When I originally wrote this post, I had approximately 200 followers; and I followed roughly about the same number of people. So, in the Twitter scheme of things, I was no…