Category: Opinions

  • Ten minutes a day to learn something new
    Ten minutes a day to learn something new

    If you work in an evolving industry, it is likely that you have experienced imposter syndrome at some point. Working in the tech sector, I certainly did. In layman’s terms, it is the self-doubt that makes you feel that your success has been largely due to luck and not competency. The feeling persists despite your…

  • Laughter is the best medicine!
    Laughter is the best medicine!

    Many people believe that laughter is the best medicine — it makes us feel good. It is something that we can share with others over great distances, or face to face in crowded spaces.   Guillaume Benjamin Duchenne, a French Neurologist of the 1800s era, first noted the difference between a genuine and spontaneous laugh…

  • A Severe Case of FOMO
    A Severe Case of FOMO

    I must admit, I am going through a severe case of FOMO — Fear Of Missing Out.  The valuations for cannabis stocks and cryptocurrencies have gone through the roof and I am, once again, sitting on the sidelines, watching. My FOMO is justifiable. This is not the first time I have missed out on opportunities…

  • Where you live should not decide whether you live or die
    Where you live should not decide whether you live or die

    I was excited.  Nearly two years to the day after we received my daughter Anakha’s diagnosis, I came across another child with the same rare condition. Not a nameless statistic in a medical journal, but a real-life little girl, with a name and face. Someone else just like Anakha! Then, out of the blue, I…

  • Delhi, a city that takes your breath away!
    Delhi, a city that takes your breath away!

    The black SUV braked suddenly and veered to the curb as it came to a halt in front of the bank. Two masked men in dark clothing quickly got out and rushed into the bank. The driver, also wearing a mask, remained in the car with his engine running. The passersby didn’t seem to notice…

  • The things vs experiences dilemma
    The things vs experiences dilemma

    Driving an expensive car was part of my persona, or so I thought.  A few years ago when my daughter suggested that I trade in my fully-loaded BMW X5 for a Toyota Prius Hybrid, I resisted. As a mid-level associate in a New York City Law firm, she didn’t care to own a car. It…

  • The Bubble Mentality
    The Bubble Mentality

    As a youngster, playing with soap bubbles in the backyard, I would try to blow the biggest bubble, just short of making it burst.  I would eye up the bubble and ease off when it looked like it was ready to pop. It worked, most of the time. Back to the present. Most folks that…

  • I think I know what Mayim Bialik meant
    I think I know what Mayim Bialik meant

    By now, most of you know who Harvey Weinstein is. Or, more appropriately, who he was. But, do you know who Mayim Bialik is? She is the popular star of the TV sitcom “The Big Bang Theory”, former child star “Blossom”, and a Ph.D. neuroscientist who wrote a controversial opinion piece on Weinstein in the…

  • A dozen things I like about apartment living
    A dozen things I like about apartment living

    When it comes to living in an apartment versus a house, most of the people I know lean towards a house. I get their pro-house arguments – larger spaces, more privacy, potential equity growth, and other such benefits. Apartment living is not for everyone. But, if you have considered rightsizing or see yourself living in…

  • If it weren’t for the money…
    If it weren’t for the money…

    I am beginning to wonder if I am a boring person. It’s the kind of stuff that no one will tell to your face.  I read posts about people giving up lucrative jobs to pursue their passion. People seem to quit jobs to pursue trekking, photography, dancing, travel, yoga, and baking – the kind of…