Category Tech

Tools, apps, and techy stuff…

Google Assistant: Convenience vs. Privacy

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A version of this post titled “Walls Have Ears” first appeared on Reboot If you own a digital assistant such as the Google Assistant from Google or Alexa from Amazon, you probably considered the convenience vs. privacy aspect of…

The Dangerous Weaponization of Data

The weaponization of data, as a term, has a dramatic sound to it. The reality is that data, in the wrong hands, can be as lethal as any dangerous weapon that can harm you. The unprecedented level of influence the…

The Facebook Fiasco – We Had it Coming

As a Marketing guy, I am ambivalent about the recent Facebook fiasco. I hate to tell you: But, we had it coming. Sure, I am outraged that 87 million people had their personal data accessed without permission, for corporate gains.…

A Severe Case of FOMO

I must admit, I am going through a severe case of FOMO — Fear Of Missing Out.  The valuations for cannabis stocks and cryptocurrencies have gone through the roof and I am, once again, sitting on the sidelines, watching. My…