Category Pickleball

Stuff about pickleball, the fastest-growing sport…

Pickleball Ball Machines: 10 Essential Features to Look For


Pickleball’s surging popularity has spurred a thriving industry around it. Beyond the basics such as pickleball paddles, balls, and nets, the ecosystem now includes training aids, dedicated facilities, professional coaching services, and vacations catering to the enthusiastic and expanding pickleball…

Essentials of Advanced Doubles Pickleball

Advanced doubles pickleball

Taking your pickleball to new heights requires more than just a basic understanding of the game. While the game may appear deceptively simple, the nuances of mixing aggression on the court with patient defensive play come with experience. If you’re…

A Simple Guide to the Perfect Pickleball Paddle

A Simple Guide To The Perfect Pickleball Paddle

Pickleball paddles have evolved. Choosing the perfect pickleball paddle is no longer a matter of aesthetics and price. Wooden paddles have given way to aluminium, fiberglass, and graphite. Lighter paddles with larger sweet spots have translated to increased power and…