You know you are a seasoned squash player when…

You know you are a seasoned squash player when:

You are frustrated with Google. A search for “squash” gets results like the one shown above.

You have a special respect for Egyptians – and it is not about the pyramids.

You don’t have a lot of respect for the International Olympic Committee (IOC) – They don’t get squash.

You believe that female tennis players are wimpy – they play the best of three sets in tournaments, unlike their squash counterparts.

You practice your back-hand trickle boast when you are in an elevator by yourself.

You are comfortable wearing Black Knight to a party.

Your social conversations involve knee ligaments – ACL, PCL, MCL, etc.

You stay clear of Yoga because you cannot do half the things that the rest of the group can.

You tend to be socially active – mostly with your squash buddies.

You frown upon players who wear Yonex or Uniqlo to a squash court.

You wonder how the 100th-ranked tennis player earns hundred-and-fifty-thousand dollars in the first two months of 2020, while the top squash players struggle to make that much in a year.

You believe that pizza and beer are as good food as any.

You are glad that Squash TV is not a food and garden channel.

You often don’t follow the doctor’s advice about taking a break from the game.

You know all about knee braces and elbow support straps.

You don’t give up easily – even when things look bleak.

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Dax Nair


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