Social Ah Ha!

As I delve deeper into the world of Blogosphere and Social Media, a few things are becoming obvious to me.

First of all, Social Media types have their own lingo! Here is an example: I am currently “blogging” about something that I “stumbled uponโ€ and โ€œliked.โ€ I am going to โ€œhashtagโ€ and โ€œtweetโ€ this to my โ€œfollowersโ€ through โ€œHootsuiteโ€ so that my โ€œKloutโ€ score goes up.

Get the drift?

You can also make up things on the fly. For instance, a โ€œsploggerโ€ is a spam bloggerโ€, โ€œnomophobiaโ€ is no mobile phobia, and โ€œlifecastingโ€ is, well, broadcasting your life on the web, not unlike Big Brother.

To simplify what appears to be a complex planet of the apps and tools, you can broadly categorize them into three types:


–ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  User-generated content: While, YouTube, Craigslist, and Flicker may be obvious, try the following to get a sense of what is out there:

–         Social networking sites: Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are the most popular ones in this space. Some other sites gaining momentum include:


–         Reviews and rating sites: The days of the Better Business Bureau are numbered. Reviews for most products and services are available online at sites like:

In conclusion, here is some food for thought. If you are still waiting for the newspaper to get your news, you have some ways to go. I am going to go to to get all caught up. They do say โ€œInhale the web!โ€

Dax Nair


One response to “Social Ah Ha!”

  1. Shannin Vanderkooij Avatar
    Shannin Vanderkooij

    Good stuff Dax! Thanks for the info.
    ๐Ÿ™‚ Shan-Van

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