A quick look at the lighter side of squash vs. tennis

The lighter side of Squash vs. Tennis

If you play either squash or tennis, you know that both games require speed, agility, endurance, power, and strategy.  Most squash players have no doubt that their game is the hardest of all racquet sports, particularly when compared to tennis. My friend Bill Guest lets the image on his parking spot speak for itself!

You ask tennis players, and you will find that their belief in the superiority of their game over squash is unwavering. As the debate continues, I consolidated the previous versions of this discussion into a new post along with a few new ones that came to my mind.

So here is a quick look at the lighter side of squash vs. tennis.

A squash player’s thoughts on tennis

Tennis players need two serves to get a rally going.

Tennis players need three balls to play the game, squash players are more efficient.

In tennis, you have to break your opponent to win, in squash, you just have to beat them.

Squash players don’t feel the need to convert every shot into a forehand shot.

Tennis has deuce and ad courts; in squash, it is just right and left.

In Tennis, hitting the line is considered an excellent shot; in squash, it will cost you.

In tennis, a passing shot is a winner, in squash, it’s just good length.

Love does not count for a whole lot in tennis.

Tennis players need to rest after every two games; squash players have fine-tuned the art of calling “lets” and arguing with the referee.

The reverse view

Tennis is a spectator sport; squash wants to be a spectator sport.

In squash, players try to let the ball die; in tennis players try to kill it.

Squash players pretend that a “nick” is a repeatable shot.

Tennis players warm up before the game; squash players warm the ball up.

In Tennis, players don’t hide behind your backs.

Squash players need walls around them to keep the ball on the court.

In squash, you can get a “stroke” and continue to play; in tennis, if you get a stroke you need an ambulance!

In squash, a dead Nick is a good shot, in tennis, a dead Nick is, not good for Nick!

Squash players struggle with their scoring system – 9, 11, 15, PAR…

Squash pros make a living; tennis pros make the Forbes list.

Tennis players only boast when they are off the court.

Tennis has an injury named after the game – tennis elbow, squash does not.

Squash is played with tins, boxes, and lines.

It’s OK to cheat in squash, as long as it means poaching to one side of the court.

In squash, “serve and volley” means that you serve and your opponent volleys.

In squash, your opponent can push you from the back and flash the “L”oser sign, especially when you seem to have an advantage.

In squash, the referee can often threaten you with a throat-slashing motion.

In squash, if you make an “attempt” to play a ball the referee may give you another shot at it. It would be sweet, in real life!

In squash, grammar is less important – “no let”, “tight length”…

Squash players seem to be standing around and looking back during rallies.

So there you have it.

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Dax Nair


7 responses to “A quick look at the lighter side of squash vs. tennis”

  1. Good fun this discussion. Here’s a secret – bang for buck, minute for minute, squash is probably the most fun to play (many tennis players who “expand their horizons” tend to agree). Not that tennis is bad, quite the opposite, but tennis requires the a highly controlled swing, which feels a bit limiting when compared to the deception and trickery required for squash. Tennis also feels slow and dragged out compared the the high pace of squash. Both games are excellent to watch at the highest levels, but for the typical sports fan, tennis seems far more intuitive and epic to watch on TV.
    But I recommend that traditional tennis players learn to play squash because the games actually compliment each other very well. If a tennis player adds in 1 squash game per week, they will soon start to feel faster and fitter on court, and start hitting more deceptive shots using “creative” angles. And of course they will have more fun playing both. Win-win I say.

    1. Dax Nair Avatar

      Thanks Andy!

      I feel that tennis helps with my overheads and volleys in squash. Though, every time I get back on the tennis court, it feels like there is so much more court to cover…

  2. Squash matches don’t last 4 hours but tennis matches often do. Tennis and squash require different types of fitness. There is more strategy in squash though.

    1. Stuart Arrowsmith Avatar
      Stuart Arrowsmith

      And of those 4 hours, the ball is in play for about 45 minutes. The rest is sitting down having a rest every 2 games and bouncing the ball up and down on the base line between each of the 2 serves on offer.

  3. Tennis is a leisure sport, try playing a 4 hour squash match.

    1. Let me take a guess, you are a squash player?

    2. Leo Muga Avatar

      I believe that squash and tennis are great sports but you have to play both well to understand the whole deal of this question which is more difficult to play.
      This is like comparing which is true the Quran or the bible.
      Being Bible the tennis more people know about it and squash is the Quran.
      Very similar but one believes which one is better for them selves.
      So question is who can really define wich is better. Please let me know

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