Dax Nair

Dax Nair

Ex-Techie | Racquet Sports & Travel Blogger | Real-World Experiences

Ultimate Winter Packing Guide For a Norway Getaway

Ultimate Winter Packing Guide For a Norway Getaway

As someone living in Canada, I’m no stranger to harsh winters and snowstorms. Winter gear is a wardrobe staple. However, when I started planning a two-week Scandinavian vacation, it quickly became evident that I needed to pack for extended exposure…

12 Pickleball Strategies for Tennis Players


If you are transitioning from tennis to pickleball, you have an edge. Core tennis skills such as ground strokes, topspin, volleys, and overheads transfer well to pickleball. The crossover is evident even at the most advanced level of pickleball. The…

Pickleball Ball Machines: 10 Essential Features to Look For


Pickleball’s surging popularity has spurred a thriving industry around it. Beyond the basics such as pickleball paddles, balls, and nets, the ecosystem now includes training aids, dedicated facilities, professional coaching services, and vacations catering to the enthusiastic and expanding pickleball…

20 Tips For Your First Trip to Greece

20 Tips For Your First Trip to Greece

With its rich history, stunning landscapes, and mouth-watering cuisine, Greece is a dream destination for many travelers. Whether you’re planning a visit to the bustling streets of Athens or the breathtaking islands of Santorini, you should know some essential things…