Category Life & Times

We all have a story or two to tell.

Is Social Media creeping up on you?

As I read up on the recent exploits of Mark Zuckerberg and his Facebook IPO valued at over $100 billion, I caught a related article that talked about the anticipated boost in divorces and marriages directly attributable to the IPO. Millionaires…

Are you living in a fish bowl?

As my Social Media savvy improves, I have slowly started accepting the fact that not everything is rosy on this front. The Internet is big! Bigger than any other organized or non-organized enterprise! You can never really quantify how big…

Social Ah Ha!

As I delve deeper into the world of Blogosphere and Social Media, a few things are becoming obvious to me. First of all, Social Media types have their own lingo! Here is an example: I am currently “blogging” about something…

I decided to write a blog…

Summer is almost here. Club championships are on. My knees are shot from too much squash and tennis. The gym feels like work, don’t need too much more of it! Heading straight for refreshments at the club bar, is probably…