A Racquet Social Perspective

Which Is Harder To Learn?

Squash or Tennis

 Both squash & tennis require speed, agility, endurance, power, and strategy. But, beginners will find one harder than the other.

Main Componenets




Return of serve





Tennis courts are larger and require players to cover more court than squash. Court coverage may be a challenge for beginners.

Squash courts have walls on all four sides. Playing good shots off the back corners is hard even for intermediate players.

The average tennis racquet weighs more than double that of a squash racquet. Controlling the ball takes practice.


Tennis balls are the heaviest of all racquet sports balls. Squash balls are smaller and lighter but have low bounce . 

Beginners struggle with the tennis serve. A weak serve can be a liability in a tennis match.

Tennis Serve

Squash Serve

Unlike tennis, squash players rarely depend on serves to win crucial points. The back wall often puts the ball back in the rally.

Tennis: Return of Serve

Returning a powerful, well-placed first serve can only come with years of experience.

Squash: Return of Serve

A return of serve is often a setup shot in squash. A good return allows the player to get to the “T.” and control the next shot.

Tennis rallies involving baseline players can be long. Points in tennis are often won from unforced errors.

Squash rallies are quicker and involve a combination of drops, drives, boasts, and lobs. The ball is often behind the players.

Volleys are a vital part of tennis and require hand-eye coordination and timing. Getting confident to play at the net can take time.

Volleys have become an essential part of modern squash. More rallies are played in the forecourt than ever before.

A drop shot in tennis is a surprise shot and is hard to do well.  In squash, a drop shot is a cruciall tool and can be used in an attacking or defensive manner.

Drop Shots

You need to be physically fit to play squash and tennis.  The constant movement, lunges, and the twists and turns of squash can be more demanding for beginners. 


Tennis is the harder sport for beginners.

Squash is easier to learn, but hard to get good at.

Squash  or  Tennis?

 Just pick the one you enjoy...